Saturday, February 27, 2010

Oh What A Night...

Hey All!

Today was one of those exceptional days that come around where everything seems to fall into place. A day you write about, so here goes.

Woke up this morning to a beautiful sea of white snow. Two feet to be exact. And from the window, simply gorgeous. I did have to go out into it, but unlike the slush of the other day, this one was fresh powder and it kept on a-coming down hard. I left an hour early just so that I would have time to walk slowly and enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I am SO ready for Spring to come, but this was just sort of magical, if I do say so.

First up, "Law & Order". Whilst I usually play Drunken Frat Boys and the like, this time I was a business man. Not sure how to take that, Peter Pan that I am, but hey, it officially keeps my status as a working actor/entertainer active. Most of you know me, and I am the Silver Lining/Disney Character guy, so it should come as no surprise that I find being on set, overwhelmingly fun and exciting. We shot in Chelsea, and though it took 5 hours of sitting around before we started, once we got going, we plunged right through, filming take after take until it was just right.

At first we were told we might be there until 1 or 2 am, and delays due to weather made that seem a strong possibility. However, because of the weather, and the fact that not too many people on set lived in Manhattan (except me), they decided to get it done quickly and wrap early so that everyone could get home to the outer boroughs. This meant that we got out of there at around 5pm (which was still 10-11 hours). Knowing how much free time I had on my last shoot (Mercy), I decided to take the trusty Netbook along with me. I'm glad I did, and I got a message from Memphis the Musical that they were trying to fill the seats today (again, the weather) and had a special deal.

I immediately called up the fabulous Danielle De Luca, my kindred spirit with whom I've had extensive conversations about the virtues of this amazing musical. I knew that she was dying to see it, and although I had already been three times, I never tire of it and was down for seeing it again. Danielle was super thrilled at the offer to go and so a plan was made to meet up at the theater at 7. I rushed home, changed and headed on down early, arriving at 6, just to make sure I could still get tickets. The special deal filled out the two tiers of the 2nd and 3rd levels, but I had the extreme luck of getting the last two available Orchestra Seats. Yes! D was even more excited to hear this and so I waited for her until we ended up meeting in front of the Shubert at 7:20.

We went in and I told her how much she was going to love this and that my good friend Bryan Fenkart was in it, and how I would point him out when he came on stage. We opened the playbill so I could show her his picture, and imagine my surprise when a slip came out that declared that Bryan would be going on as the Lead Huey Calhoun tonight! Too amazing (again thank you to the big guy upstairs)! I have to say, he brought down the house and had me in tears (and subsequently, Danielle too) for the entire show. If you have a chance, please go see this. We laughed and cried and danced and clapped and maintained a long ovation. Bryan sent me a text letting me know that my name was on the list at the Stage Door and so to come backstage and hang out.

So D and I went, she got to meet the cast and praise them, I got to do the same, especially Bryan and Montego. Danielle and I then marveled at the beauty of being on a Broadway stage and I was, of course, a little choked up reminiscing about my previous times on Broadway. I had forgotten how fantastic the view is from that side of the room. We met up with Victoria, as well as Bryan's brother and his friend. Once Bryan was ready, we all caught the yellow line in Times Square to the D-Lounge in Union Square. There we ran into the always fun Kate, got settled in and waited for Bryan to hit the stage.

He came on and played tunes from his CD "Imperfect Man" as well as a little Billy Joel (who Bryan really, really reminds me of song wise) and some stuff from his new album. How he could do this after the laborious job on Broadway earlier is totally beyond me. He literally rocked the room, playing guitar and piano in harmony with his amazing voice. Afterwards, we all hung out for a while, before heading our separate ways. Danielle and I had a chance to have a long conversation in appreciation of the beauty of tonight. Finally, we went our ways (D and I) and can't wait to do it again soon.

So here I sit at 4:26 in the morning, still on a natural high from the electric energy of tonight. And I can't wait to see what the Universe has for me tomorrow.

Ok, that's about it for now. Take care and all the best. Remember, enjoy what you can when you can.

See you on the B-Side,

Richmond Chandler

Monday, February 22, 2010

February is turning out just fine...

Hello All!

Well, it's been a little while since my last blog. Sorry, I've been relatively busy recently, and when I am on the computer, I must admit, I'm usually on FB or Twitter. So, I thought it was high time I came and updated my blog.

I've added a new feature on my MySpace page (the only one that allows music). I've placed a box with samples of my piano playing. All you have to do is click on the song, and it will play for you in it's entirety. I have placed various styles from classical to rock ballad to soundtracks here for you (or any interested party) to hear what it is I sound like. As this is part of my professional life, I'm often asked for a demo, and now here is an easy way to have access to one.

At the present time, you can only listen to them, they are not yet available for download, for logistical reasons. But you can enjoy them. Please let me know what you think - even if you don't like them, let me know why. I'd appreciate any genuine feedback. Thanks.

On the acting front, things have started to pick up a bit. I signed on to play a small role in an Indy film. I'm a man from Ireland, accent, Gaelic speak and all. Totally awesome. I just finished a small, yet featured role on the NBC series "Mercy" which will air in about a month. Originally, I was hired to play a rowdy drunken Irish man (seeing a theme) at an Irish fair, but once there, they decided to change my role to something a lot friendlier (let's just say it includes balloons) and a lot more face time. Fun.

I'd forgotten how much I love being on a set. The whole dynamic and electrical feel - all the energy and all of the talent. Phenomenal. I didn't even mind filming at night in Jersey City in 20 degree weather for hours on end. I was just too pumped.

Next up, small roles on NBC's "Law and Order" and the CW (WB)'s "Gossip Girl" Yes, I know I keep saying small roles, but so what? Roles are roles and how many people out there can say they are actually working actors? I can, and that's enough for me. I just love being a part of it all.

I saw the amazing Parry Adams perform over on Park Ave South and 30th (Desmond's Tavern). It was, as usual, an awesome show. Kate, Nicky, Mike, Mark and Brian also were there, and we had fun bar food, rounds and rounds of Guiness and Jamesons and listened to the other performers afterwards. One that surprised us: Paper June, which turned out to be darn good. Thanks to her brother Eric for slipping me her CD. Too Cool.

After that, we headed over to Rodeo Bar on 2nd Ave. Kind of a Western Place in NYC. It was OK, but I wasn't feeling it there and the staff wasn't very accommodating, so I bailed. The rest of the group decided to stay behind. I then headed over to Stonewall to say hi to Chuck and Mikey. The place was pumping, but I said hey, stayed for a drink and headed over to Pieces.

At Pieces, I ran into my very good friend Billy (the fireman). I also ran into my friends Noah, Dave, Dan, Gregory and that dude from Percy Jackson. We shot pool (always, always be on Billy's team), did about a 100 shots out of test tubes, drank corona's and hung with performance artist "Machine Dazzle" who was just a hoot. My favorite part though, was the DJ incident.

I approached the DJ, who was doing a great job and had the room packed and moving to the beat. I asked him if I could "Rick Roll" the room in honor of my friends Danielle and Jaron. He agreed and played Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" which made the crowd go even more wild, and everyone, everyone knew the lyrics. Too too awesome!

Finally at around 4 Billy and I left and I got some Mexican food. Then home. Me to the Upper West Side, Billy to Long Island. After that, bed.

Today, I had an old fashioned date night, complete with a fantastic dinner and a show. Not much more I want to say about it, I'd rather the details stay private. But it was grand. Really grand.

So that's what I've been up to. And looking forward to the next projects. Ok, that's about it for now. I'll keep you posted. Take care of yourselves!

See you on the B-side!

Richmond Chandler

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Hello All!

Happy New Year, 2010. Wow, 2010. I remember being a kid, watching Space 1999, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica, etc. and thinking that the year 2000 was so far away. Prince told us to "Party like it's 1999" and of course, who could forget Y2K? Whatever that was. Yes, by the year 2000, I was waiting for my very own Landcruiser a la Luke Skywalker, communicators like on Star Trek and Computers with vast resources and a camera built in so that I could see people when I spoke to them (insert Sci-Fi show title here, since they all had it).

And you know what? I have a communicator via my web enabled flip cellphone, a netbook with vast resources by way of the internet, and skype so I can see people as I talk to them. The only thing missing is the Landcruiser. Oh well, what the deuce anyway, I live in Manhattan, so there really is no need. I have ample means of transportation in NYC.

So now here we are a decade (a decade!!!) into the 2000's and while some things have changed, some have stayed the same. What I've learned is to just live in the present, and face tomorrow when it actually comes. The rest will take care of itself.

I had a fantastic New Years, albeit busy. I started off at a party with a buddy from California who usually can be found in Times Square on New Years, then I won front row tickets to see Mariah Carey at Madison Square Garden. I was really thrilled, and took along someone equally happy to be there with me.

Mariah was the consummate performer. Wow what charisma she has. I couldn't take my eyes off of her the entire concert. She began by arriving high above all of our heads in a red sleigh singing "All I want for Christmas" and proceeded to go through her songbook, with many wardrobe changes and personal stories along the way. There was a tribute to Michael Jackson, and Mariah reworked Diana Ross' "Love Hangover" to mosh it with one of her songs. Amazing.

At around midnight, the countdown began, and she counted us off, when Madison Square Garden exploded with fireworks, streamers, confetti and balloons. It was overwhelmingly exciting, I tell you. And there is something so surreal about having Mariah Carey sing Auld Lang Syne to you at the Garden. She closed with "Emotions", encored with "Hero" and gave us a memorable and wonderful night.

From there, I had been asked to perform at a place downtown at around 1:30 am and Mariah let out about 20 minutes before that. So I hustled there and was happy to find that someone needed to go on before me, so I had a little breathing room. We raised money for Broadway and Performers and generally had a blast. After 3 sets though, I was beat.

Next thing I know it was after 9 am, so we all went out to breakfast and chilled for a while and then I headed home to get some rest before having to meet people later that day. I finally strolled in at noon. Now if that doesn't make you feel like a rock star, I don't know what does.

In addition to those great memories, I have also been lucky enough to catch some Broadway too. I saw the amazing Ron Bohmer in "Ragtime" before it closed, and I've been to see my friend Bryan Fenkart in "Memphis" twice already in a week's time. I cannot recommend this show highly enough. I hope it runs for a long, long time and let me just predict some Tony awards in their future. By the way, Bryan is performing at the Bitter End downtown NYC on Jan 11, if you are in the city and want to see a great show.

Ok, that's about it? How was your New Years? Hopefully, you had fun, let go of the past and are anxious to move forward. Speaking of which, I wish a year full of laughter, love, happiness and joy and most of all, music. Peace be with you and remember to be good to one another.

See you on the B-side,

Richmond Chandler

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Memphis on Broadway

Hey All,

Just wanted to take a moment and tell you all about a fantastic new show on Broadway that I was lucky enough to see yesterday. It is called "Memphis" and this is the show to see.

Set in the 1950's, Memphis tells the story of Huey Calhoun, an eccentric white DJ with a passion for soul music. He vows to integrate the radio with this style of music, and thus begins the birth of rock and roll, rebellion, etc. Along the way there is love, danger, hope and amazing music and exceptional dancing. Every time someone performed a rousing rock, gospel or ballad number, I instantly had goose bumps, followed by tears. So moving. So beautiful.

Memphis stars Chad Kimball in the role of Huey Calhoun, and Montego Glover as Felicia, his love interest and of course, my good friend, Bryan Fenkart in his Broadway debut! I couldn't be prouder of him or more impressed with this magnificent cast.

The music of Memphis was written by David Bryan of Bon Jovi, which blew me away, seeing as it was so gospel-like and soul-filled. Who knew he had it in him?

Memphis plays at the Shubert Theater on 44th Street in Manhattan. Do yourself a favor and please, please, please go see this show. You will be so glad that you did.

Ok,that's it for now.

See you on the B-Side,

Richmond Chandler

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Winter is Here, Happy Holidays

Hello All,

So again, it's been a while since I last updated here. What can I say - with Twitter and Facebook and Text Messaging and the plain old fashion phone, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. Not to mention the fact that after I update everywhere, I feel like there isn't anything left to tell that people don't already know. So, I'm going to do my best to change that, and update here more frequently.

Since the Fall, I have been working like a maniac on my voice and vocal exercises, not to mention keeping my piano playing as sharp as possible. After that nightmare of surgery (ies) and the even longer nightmare of recuperation, it was finally time to get back to it.

This is easier said than done, as I have been shuttling back and forth between NYC and Boston, not to mention a trip or so to Sunny Los Angeles, and some other places along the way. However, I have managed to motivate myself to get back to it. Not only that, but I have a lot of really pushy friends who will not let me simply wallow and take it easy. Ha ha ha.

Anyway, I've been lucky enough to play here in NYC recently at a couple of my favorite venues, not to mention some time in a recording studio, and even an impromptu performance in Los Angeles with some Hollywood Heavyweights in tow. Too awesome. As a result, I have been offered various long term opportunities, including two different (competing) venues who are interested in having me as their in-house entertainer - an honor to be sure.

So that's where I'm at. Rehearsing and rehearsing. And that's all good. I'm not sure my neighbors would agree, but I guess they do since no one has banged on my door to complain yet - yikes, knock on wood!

I've recorded some piano covers of Chopin, Mozart, Linkin Park and Evanescence, among others, to show my piano versatility. I am also putting together my favorite vocal performances as well. I intend to upload these to this site as soon as possible for everyone to be able to listen for themselves, and for potential clients to have a sample at their disposal anytime. This should be happening real soon.

Meanwhile, I hope that everyone will be having a wonderful time this Holiday Season. Sadly, I'm spending it with myself. All of my relatives are far away and have plans, as do my friends - even my significant other will be thousands of miles away. Oh well, I'll spend it like any other time, playing rock star in my apartment, singing loudly and playing that piano! Not too shabby.

Ok, so that's it for now. Take care and have a wonderful holiday season. May the days be filled with love, joy, laughter and MUSIC.

See you on the B-side,

Richmond Chandler

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Has Officially Arrived

Hey all!

So it's been a while since I last wrote here (July to be precise), and I guess it's about time for an update. So here goes:

After what was meant to be a simple surgery in May that would have 3 or so weeks of recovery, I found myself having complications and multiple surgeries that lasted from May until September. That meant that I was unable to speak for most of that time, and definitely couldn't have any solid foods. What a drag that turned out to be, and it seemed as if it would go on forever, and then through the grace of God it was finally over.

Stitches came out, cosmetic work was done, and I actually came out better than before. Ha ha. So, it was the greatest feeling in the world when I was able to tell the reception nurse that I was done and wouldn't need to have a follow up for at least 6 months. I walked out smiling and talking to myself, which would look weird anywhere else in the world, except I live in Manhattan, so no big deal. Unfortunately, my dreams of rushing out of the doctor's office and over to Outback Steakhouse for my first solid meal were dashed, as I was told that even though I had healed, I had to take it easy for another couple of weeks. Oh well.

The good news is that I am finally healthy and fit. Speaking of good news, over the Summer I was able to see my friends Ryan Cabrera and Bryan Fenkart perform in concert. I always have a great time with them, and I am always a champion for them both. Shortly thereafter, Ryan embarked upon a very successful tour, and Bryan landed a lead role in a Broadway Musical!

He appears in the Musical "Memphis" which opens officially today, after a few weeks of previews. Bryan has always been one of the most talented people I know and I am so glad the rest of the world finally gets a chance to see it as well. I am super proud of him. If you are in New York, please make a point of seeing Memphis and this very talented performer. BTW, you can also purchase his cd, "Imperfect Man" and I know he is working on a second one as well. Bravo Bryan.

I also got to spend a lot of time with my friends in Sleepy Hollow, and this coming week I am headed back up there for some apple, pumpkin, etc. picking and attending the big open air harvest markets, as well as the reenactment of "The Headless Horseman" story, just in time for Halloween. It should be a blast.

I have a lot of friends in Boston and happen to do a lot of performing there as well as up and down the Eastern Seaboard, so when the opportunity arose to come up to one of my favorite cities and spend some quality time with my best pal Jeff, and my great friend Jake, among other things, I totally jumped at the chance. So I packed up a suitcase and headed on up. While here, I have had a blast, not only performing, but showing off my other professional talent, my culinary skills. I've been having fun cooking for my besties and trying to wow them with something tasty and different as often as possible.

Of course, I haven't taken care of all of the meals, this is Boston, after all, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of the fantastic places around here. Aside from that, it is always great to walk around Boston and take in the sites, like my favorite place, Paul Revere's House and the Old North Church, the Boston Commons, etc. Jeff also got us involved in a tour of Haunted Boston which is pretty cool. It starts in a cemetery at night and goes on for about 90 minutes as you walk around the more colorful and historical parts of the city. That Jeff, always coming up with interesting things for us to do together!

Today we got hit with a surprise snow storm, 30 degree weather and super fast winds. If it lets up and everything goes according to plan, I will be headed back to Manhattan later this morning. If the weather doesn't cooperate, then I may have to stay a little longer. Either way is fine with me, since I love Boston and Jeff so much, and I love my apartment and Manhattan so much. I am happy in either place. So we shall see what the weather shows and thus how the plan goes.

If I can make it back as planned, I have a movie premiere , an interview regarding a new position using my chef hat, a birthday party, not to mention the apple picking, and so on...

So as you can see, things seem to be looking up for me..knock on wood, and hopefully they will just keep on doing so. Halloween is coming soon and that's cool, but I am already looking ahead to November for Thanksgiving and the great meal and company that comes with it.

But as long as it is still October, lets go with the Birthdays: Happy Birthday on the 11th to Mariah, the 18th to Zac, the 21st to Dan, Matt D. and Arkady. May you all have a wonderful year ahead, and I am happy to know all of you and have you in my life.

Ok, that's about it. It's nearly 3 am and if I plan on leaving here in a few hours, I had better try and get a little rest if I can. But I just keep looking out at the falling snow and watching spooky movies on cable...oh well, I'm going to give it a shot anyway. So off I go.

Take care until we meet again, and remember, I'll see you on the B-Side...

Richmond Chandler

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Surgery Frustration

Hey all,

Well I went to see the surgeons today, hoping they would tell me that it was all over and I could get back to my life, unfortunately, they said the dreaded word: Complications. This means, according to them, it will be yet another 3 weeks before it is over. Arg!! I am so frustrated at this point. What was supposed to be over in a couple of weeks and be finished by May has now led into August and continues.

I really wanted it to be finished by my birthday on August 9th, so that I could go out with friends and celebrate (and really have a great dinner as well), but no such luck. I thus decided to cancel the plans I have made, and will just stay home and forget about it. I guess it's just another day anyway, and its not like I won't have another one next year. Oh well, I have no choice but to live with it.

I'm kinda angry and down about this whole turn of events, and the storms and humidity aren't really helping, so I guess I'm gonna run now, and try to let it go. What I wouldn't give for a cocktail right now! Thanks for letting me vent.

See you on the B-Side,

Richmond Chandler

Friday, July 10, 2009

Recuperating, July 4th, D-Lounge, Etc.

Hello All,

First off let me express my frustration, as I just typed this blog (and the first version was really long), when during posting, an error occurred and the whole darn thing and an hours worth of typing disappeared for good. Arg! So here goes again, from memory, although it will most likely be an edited version.

First off, I finally had my (hopefully) last surgery on Wednesday the 8th. There is a technical term for what was done, but in essence (and I apologize for being a little graphic), the doctors went in and made an incision in my gums, then proceeded to chip away or shave if you will the bone down to the right shape. Apparently this was necessary after the previous surgeries and re-alignment procedure. Can you say OUCH! I totally can.

Unfortunately, they felt as I had been given painkillers for the previous surgeries, that I must have plenty left over and so wouldn't give me a prescription. The scripts weren't for that many pills to begin with (20) and so only 6 remained, which I have already taken. So, now I am going to have to resort to over the counter aspirin. Ok. Luckily, I have a high tolerance for pain (those of you who know me really well can attest to this), and so I will push through the pain and just be patient. Pretty much all I can do.

Last week, I was lucky enough to see my guys Bryan Fenkart and Ryan Cabrera at Sullivan Hall, here in NYC. They also had a really talented guy open for them named Eren Cannata, who has an awesome CD out. I went with a group of friends and we were fortunated to be VIP guests of the performers, and thus on the fabled "list". Too cool. BTW, Thanks again for that! I took loads of pictures and put them up in albums in the my pics section. Take a look at them if you have a chance.

Over the 4th of July weekend, I had a blast both in Yonkers and then in Sleepy Hollow (which is quickly becoming one of my favorite places). Faye, Billyee, Ariana, Tony and the gang and I all went to the beautiful park in Sleepy Hollow that overlooks the Hudson River by the Lighthouse and had a wonderful barbeque. And although my eating and speaking were limited (not as much as right now mind you), I had a super time nonetheless, spending time with them, playing games, watching the boats and the gorgeous fireworks after sundown. All in all an idyllic portrait of Summer. What a great memory.

Bryan Fenkart will be performing tonight (Friday the 10th) at D-Lounge in NYC. It is located under the Daryl Roth theater on 15th street in Union Square. He will be doing an acoustic set. Also performing, the cast of Fuerza Bruta and members of the band OAR. A good time is guaranteed to be had by all. It begins at 7:30 pm and if you can, please come on down. I hope to attend if I am feeling up to it. The forecast is good, though.

Aside from that, I am just catching up on bed rest, my blockbuster dvds, and of course, my trusty computer. Also enjoying Milkshakes and chicken soup, and anxiously awaiting the day I can have a great steak dinner. Outback Steakhouse, here I come...hopefully by my birthday on August 9th. Anyone want to join me? Ha ha.

Ok, let me run for now. Take care and all of the best.

See you on the B-Side,

Richmond Chandler

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Saw the surgeon today...

Hey all!

This is going to be a short one. I saw the surgeon today and as it turns out, things did not heal as planned and there are complications. So, now they have to unhinge my jawbone, shave the bone and re-align it. What this means is that I am no where near being finished or healing yet. Looks like it is going to be a long, silent summer with the eternally boring liquid diet. Oh well, what can I do?

Meanwhile, I'll just wait it out.

Looking forward to Ryan Cabrera and Bryan Fenkart perform on July 1st at Sullivan Hall in NYC. Although I can't really do much, I can enjoy these two favorites of mine. If you are in NYC, get tickets and go. You will not be disappointed.

Ok, that's it for now. Painkillers kicking in. Take care and I will see you on the B-Side!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Surgery has gone well, Welcome Matt Dallas

Hey everyone,

It's been a short while. I was shuttling back and forth from Manhattan to Boston with my best pal Jeff trying to get some quality time in before my various oral/jaw surgeries. I say various because, since is intricate it couldn't be done in one sitting, much to my chagrin. So 1 surgery has turned into 5, 3 of which I have already had, and the 4th and 5th are Wednesday the 17th, and Monday the 29th of June respectively.

What it means is lots of pain, and just when it starts to heal, yet another round to keep it nice and fresh. Hooray. Anyway, it will be over soon, and until then, I'll just deal with it thanks to painkillers and a nice new bed I recently acquired. In the meantime, no talking (yikes), no solid foods and a whole lot of boredom (oh I mean bed rest).

This means I'm gonna most likely miss my pals Bryan Fencart and Ryan Cabreraperform at Sullivan Hall on July 1st. Although, if at all possible, I will be there, even if I can't speak or sing along. However, there is still time for you to get tickets. See my previous post for info or check out Sullivan Hall on twitter.

Speaking of Twitter, I am now a convert. At first I wasn't so sure, but I am oddly fascinated by it and have spent loads of time there as I recuperate. I have met a great deal of unique and interesting friends there, and am enjoying the conversations in the present. If you want to follow me, my handle there is ChandlerNYC. Let me know and I'll follow you as well, keeping us in closer touch.

Speaking of new friends, I'd like to welcome my twitter pal actor Matt Dallas to my world of friends. He is an extremely talented fellow most known for his role as Kyle in the ABC Family series "KYLE XY" and will be seen in the upcoming new ABC Series "Eastwick"based on the popular book and film "The Witches of Eastwick". Good luck Matt!

Ok, that's about it for now. Time for a little dinner and some rest. Until we meet again.

See you on the B-Side,

Richmond Chandler

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shuttling and Surgery

Hey there!
Hey all! So I have been shuttling between NYC and Boston having new adventures with my best pal Jeff. All of this to help me keep my mind off of my throat surgery, which is hard for a singer/musician/ and generally outgoing guy like me. In fact the next big one happens this Saturday morning at 9 am ( so cross your fingers and/or say a prayer for me), and of course that means no talking, singing, solid food, etc. for a long time. I am hoping this will all be over and healed by July, but it is looking more and more like August. Still, I will hope for July( or sooner).

BTW, Jeff's new apartment is awesome. The fact that it is twice the size of mine and one third the rent, just reminds me of the only real difference between Manhattan and Boston. In either event, I'll most likely spend a lot of time there in the future (including this summer, I hope).

Hey Bryan Fenkart! I saw you on LAW AND ORDER! Dude, you played a musician named Theodore "Teeter" who got murdered and left in an alley for Jeff Goldblum to find! Awesome! Now we have something else in common - getting killed on screen. Ha ha. Anyways, I am proud of you and looking forward to your concert in July (if I can make it).

Congratulations to Shawn and Mark on Dancing with the Stars. I was hoping for Melissa to win, but I would have been happy either way. On that note, congratulations to Kris Allen for winning Idol, although I really think Adam's voice was stronger - but anyway, they are both so different, and they will have successful careers anyways. Good TV though! Equally cool were the endings of Smallville and Supernatural (which had me on the edge of my seat). And of course, now I am totally bummed that I have to wait until fall for the answers. Ha ha

Hey there's a great Art Deco exhibit at the Main Manhattan Library on 5th ave and 42nd. It's free and totally worth it if you like old movies and such, although tomorrow is the last day, so hurry and go today or tomorrow if you can. Coming up at Lincoln Center next month we have a ton of free big band, dixieland and tributes to Benny Goodman happening. Again, it's free and fun. I'll update you as they happen or you can call the New York Public Library info line at 212-930-0830. Hope to see you there.

See Star Trek!!!!!!

I'm still loving the music of Rooney, Lifehouse and Jason Mraz. And I may confess to a Cheetah Girl or two, but hey, I have a 7 year old god-daughter and a 10 year old niece. :)!

Ok, that's it for now. Talk to you all soon. Take care and cross your fingers for my surgery.

I'll see you on the B-side!

Richmond Chandler